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4 Plus 1 (BBA to MHA)

Complete your Bachelor's and Master's degrees in 5 years!

Looking for a way to accelerate your education and your career? Students of Roberts' Bachelor of Science in Business Administration can now track into the Master of Science in Health Administration (MHA) in 5-years with this unique 4 plus 1 track.

4 Plus 1 Track - How it Works

  • Students are required to meet all the admissions requirements to the Master of Science in Health Administration (MHA) and adhere to the Advanced Standing Requirements below.
  • Complete both MHA Orientations I and II (noncredit program orientation and writing workshop) with the cohort they wish to start with - based on desired MHA start date.
  • During the senior year as an undergraduate, students must take MHA 530 Healthcare Systems & Organizations and MHI 500 Health Care Informatics. NOTE: These two courses will be taken Fall [MHA 530] and Spring [MHI 500] along with other required courses to complete their B.S. degree. These two courses will be part of the 12-18 credit full-time status student enrollment tuition. These two courses will be in addition to credits required by the student to reach 124 credit minimum for graduation for their B.S. degree.
  • After graduation, students will begin the MHA program in Module 6 [MHA 610 Human Resources for Health Care Professionals] with their cohort from Orientation I and II mentioned above.

4 Plus 1 Track - Admissions Requirements

  • GPA 3.2 or greater upon completion of junior year in the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration.
  • Work with Undergraduate Business Program (UBP) Advisor and Graduate Program Director to create a documented plan for completion of both undergraduate and graduate degrees.
  • Completed the equivalent of one-year full-time work experience before entering the MHA program. NOTE: Students with less employment experience may apply; however, admittance into the program will require an interview with the Program Director.
  • Meet all of the academic requirements Bachelor of Science in Business Administration for the first 8 semesters.
  • Meet all of the requirements for the MHA program for the last 2 semesters.
  • Earn a grade of B or higher in MHA 530 Healthcare Systems & Organizations and is required in order to continue the MHA program.
  • Obtain full-time employment at the start of Module 6 in MHA and maintain full-time employment (preferably in a health care setting) during the remainder of the MHA program to build relevant experience and skills.

NOTE: those taking MHA at the Jefferson Road Extension Center in Henrietta, NY will need transportation.

The following courses will not be required of 4 + 1 track students due to duplication of material [BUS 500HA Organizational Leadership, MHA 520 Health Care Research Methods, & MHA 580 Health Care Financial Management] based on the following:

  1. BUS 500HA – is met through completion of BUA 341 Leadership Challenge course.
  2. MHA 520 – is met through completion of MTH 200 Statistics & CMP 102 Writing & Research.
  3. MHA 580 – is met through completion of BUA 321 Corporate Finance

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