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Faith and Learning

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The challenge for the contemporary Christian artist is how to have a relevant voice in an ever-changing visual culture.

We provide students of faith with a solid conceptual and technical education in the visual arts, so they may communicate in a relevant way. 


Visual art is an expansion of life…

“Instead of the thorn will come up the cypress;

Instead of the brier shall come up the myrtle;

And it shall be to the Lord for a memorial,

For an everlasting song which shall not be cut off”

Isaiah 55:13

We provide emerging young artists with an environment that nurtures and enables.

We believe that helping students reach their creative potential honors a creative God. Here, students engage in a collegial community of scholar-artists and mentors who are co-learners within God’s good creation.

Our graduates become conscientious contributing members of culture that can communicate in a refined and relevant voice.


Carpenter Hall - B. Coon - School Arts & Humanities - 585.594.6126 - visualart@angelautotires.net